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Q: Does webs-a-gogo offer free websites?
No, and neither do any other companies.  "FREE" websites are usually connected with some type of advertising (pop-ups, pop-unders, etc) or with a hosting company url name  (like "www.hostingcompany.com/yournamegoeshere" for instance).  These sites sometimes drive potential visitors/customers AWAY.   Our websites are fully loaded, fully functional sites that can be configured for business or personal use.  They are inexpensive, but not free and you will NEVER see advertising on them.
Dept: Websites        Category:  Websagogo WAG-MOD website     Item# 1114081223    ID# 18

Q: Guests tell me my Guestbook isn’t displaying their entries. What do I do?
By design the Webs-a-gogo Guestbook does not automatically display entries that your guests leave. You must approve them before they can be displayed. Go to your Control Center, click the Guestbook Edit icon. You now have all you guests’ entries visible to you. If you want to approve them for public viewing simply check the Approved box, then click update.
Dept: WAG-MOD        Category:  Guestbook Manage     Item# 121908524    ID# 55

Q: How can I add a guestbook to my website?
The guestbook is an included feature of all WAG-PACS. You simply have to activate the Link to it in the Homepage Setup feature of the Webs-a-gogo Control Center.
Dept: WAG-MOD        Category:  Guestbook Manage     Item# 120308521    ID# 41

Q: How can I delete an entry from my guestbook?
Go to your Control Center, click the Guestbook Edit icon. You now have all your guests’ entries visible to you. If you want to delete one, simply click the Delete button next to the entry you’d like to delete. It’s gone. Click update and you’re done.
Dept: WAG-MOD        Category:  Guestbook Manage     Item# 121908526    ID# 56